Welcome to Redeemer!
We, the people of Redeemer Irving, are a vibrant and progressive Christian community in the midst of a conservative diocese. We are not all the same, nor do we agree on all matters, but we cherish our diversity, and defend it vigorously! As a family of engaged, loving, intellectually curious people, we love to laugh together and take part in lively discussion. Through our involvement and outreach in the community, we actively share the love of Christ. Our mission is to share the love of God by inviting and embracing all persons through our worship, discipleship, and service. Based on our recent survey, the principal reasons why parishioners attend Redeemer:
Worship, Liturgy, and Sacraments
Fellowship and Friendships
Spiritual Guidance and Sermons
We would be delighted to have you visit us in person and let us have a chance to meet and welcome you to the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer!
What to Expect
The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Irving (“Redeemer”) is a welcoming congregation offering a home to all, regardless of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, or socio-economic class. We recognize each individual as a unique child of God. Our goal is to welcome every person who comes to Redeemer and make them feel comfortable in our church community. We’d love to see you on Sundays for Worship either at 8 am for the spoken service or 10:30 am with music and singing. And please join us in the parish hall between our two services for coffee and snacks. Redeemer is a very open congregation so you’re welcome to wear whatever makes you most comfortable. You’ll commonly see jeans and tees worshiping right next to someone in their “Sunday best.”
As you enter the back of the sanctuary please be sure to pick up a bulletin from one of our ushers; it will help you to follow the service. Once seated, you will find the red Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and a variety of hymnals. The BCP contains the liturgy (or script) of the service and the hymnals contain the songs we sing, if applicable. The Bulletin will let you know which book to use when. Usually we stand to sing, sit to listen, stand or kneel to pray, and walk to the front of the sanctuary and kneel at the rail for Holy Communion. Not baptized or just not ready to share Communion with us? You're welcome to come to the altar rail for a blessing; cross your arms over your chest to indicate that you'd like a blessing. Some people wish to receive one element only: the host, and not the wine. Just cross your arms over your chest if you don't wish to receive the wine. As a visitor, you are more than welcome to join in as little or as much as you wish. And, if you are ever unsure what you should be doing, feel free to ask; most of us have been in your shoes. If you’d like some follow-up hospitality please be sure to fill out the Welcome card located in the pew pocket and drop it into the offering plate or give it to an usher. Also, join us in the Parish Hall after the service for coffee and snacks. We'd love to get to know you. We look forward to welcoming you!
Got questions? Contact us, we'd be happy to help. You will also find many answers on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Want to know more about our worship? You can learn more here.
Want to know more about The Episcopal Church? We've got an overview here.
Protestant? Catholic? Yes! Ready to become a member? That's here.
Want to know more about Holy Communion, baptism, confirmation, anointing of the sick, confession, marriage, burial? Have questions about sacraments? That's here.